
Brexit – what will change in 2022

New Brexit regulations will come into force on January 1st and July 1st, 2022. We will inform you briefly and concisely about the changes. Did you know that we also have our own warehouse and office in London? Get in touch with our team: Tel. + 44 (0)1753 681900.

From January 1, 2022

  • The simplified import procedure ends. UK import customs declarations are now required for all goods and no deferred clearance is possible
    • Importers who would like to continue to make use of customs simplification need a permit to do so. However, the procedure is not the same as the interim solution because the deadline to complete the complete customs declaration is shorter. The supplementary customs declaration must be submitted by the fourth working day of the following month
  • Customs checks are carried out on UK imports from the EU.
  • Pre-notification for products of animal origin (POAO) and document verification in the UK IPAFFS system are required

From July 1st, further rules apply

This includes, among other things, Mandatory Security Declaration: From July 1, 2022, an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) will be required for all cargo before entering the United Kingdom. Current information can be found on the British government website.

Furthermore, from July, a health certificate will be required for imports into the United Kingdom for the majority of veterinary and phytosanitary goods. The certificate is mandatory for entry. This applies to:

  • all regulated animal by-products
  • all regulated plants and plant products
  • Meat and all meat products
  • all other foods that are not of animal origin and have a high risk profile

You have questions about UK logistics. Please feel free to contact our customs experts at any time: Tel. + 44 (0)1753 681900.